Organic Traffic = Total Visitors from Search Engines
Calculation Example
If a website gets 50,000 monthly visitors from Google searches, Organic Traffic = 50,000
Data Source
Google Analytics, Search Console
Tracking Frequency
Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly
Optimal Value
Higher is better; indicates strong SEO performance.
Minimum Acceptable Value
A decline suggests SEO issues or search engine penalties.
Industry benchmarks: SaaS ~50-70% of traffic, E-commerce ~40-60%
Recommended Chart Type
Line chart (to track SEO trends), Bar chart (to compare sources)
How It Appears in Reports
Displayed in marketing reports to assess SEO effectiveness.
Why Is This KPI Important?
Indicates brand visibility and long-term marketing sustainability.
Typical Problems and Limitations
Can take months to show results; affected by search engine algorithm changes.
Actions for Poor Results
Improve keyword targeting, optimize content, build backlinks.
Related KPIs
Website Traffic, Bounce Rate, Conversion Rate
Real-Life Examples
A blog increased organic traffic by 80% by optimizing old content for search engines.
Most Common Mistakes
Focusing only on increasing traffic without improving conversions.